April 28, 2013

Being a perfectionist used to rule my world I remember. Everything and everybody was supposed to be at the right time and place. Future was well planned and there was a clear path to coming days. And I was governing the whole surrounding.
Now, it's totally different. I live in days not even knowing where I'm gonna be the next day and what I'm gonna do. Future has lost it's meaning and there is no clarity per se. And I'm just flying in the beautiful but sometimes scary space of illusions. Roads are blocked or open, I don't care. Folks will stay or leave, I don't care. I will stay or leave, I don't know. And the best part is that I honestly don't give a shit!!
I just enjoy the moments and live them and nurture the pale possibility of finding love in each and every corner of life.
And I'm not scared anymore!!


Anonymous Tuhina said...

Dear Ideh,

As I read your post I felt as if it was my story. Two years back everything had seemed set for the future. My husband and I knew where we would be 10 years ahead. But its not so any more. We don't even have an idea about the things to come in the next few months.

We've learnt that we had become too proud, believing everything was through us. These last few months we've realised that our strength is through God.

This world tells you that you have to show your strong face. But its not so with God. Reveal your weakness to Him and leave all your worries to Him. Not that He will immediately turn things around (haven't for us either yet) but the weight from your heart will get lifted.

May be you don't believe in Him. But try to believe me when I say that He loves you even if you think nobody else does. The fact is there is not one person on earth who is faultless and perfect. So if you will knock on His door He will open it. He will always be with you even if others leave.


6:44 PM  

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