May 30, 2009

age man toonestam in adamo mojaab konam ke ra'y bede!!!!
in ash chi keshide bood az daste goosefandani hamchon man!!!!!!
vali khodaayeesh ma too iran 70 million siyaasatmadar darim o kolaahemoon pase marekast......

e,ba to nboodamaa!

May 25, 2009

at present,it is just lab,paper and research...and god knows where and when it is gonna end...
and I am so damn happy that I still can put all my pieces together!!!

dame hameye oonaayee ke behem hal midan garm :D

May 22, 2009

رفته بود خونه دوستش که درس بخونه...میبینه یه کفتره تو بالکن جوجه گذاشته...تا می‌خواد بره از نزدیک ورندازش کنه،جوجه هه از ترسش خودشو با د می‌کنه و اونم در میره !!!!!
اینارو خودش واسم تعریف کرد....بعدم گفت:من اصلا ازشون خوشم نیومد،زیر شکمشون نپخته بود،خام بود...همهٔ رگاشون پیدا بود،منم ترسیدم بهشون دست بزنم!!!!!!
منم ترکیدم از خنده!!

May 20, 2009

Rain has started...
the smell of soil under the fresh tears of rain....
and please of the cold breeze on my face....
and the idea that this is the last rainy season maybe...
these give me some strange confusing sweet feeling and I am gonna enjoy it...

May 18, 2009

Yesterday I watched the opening ceremony of central court in Wimbledon with the new amazingly installed sliding roof.
There were incredible matches,one mixed double and two singles and the interesting part was pairing Agassi and his wife Steffi Graf.I didn't know Graf but if you check her profile you 'll find her one of the unreachable stars in Tennis in the world....
They used any chances to grab a kiss :DD

May 16, 2009

Don't laugh at me but I have just learned Latex!!!!!!!!
I took 2 days and now I feel two excited as I was always lazy or more frankly afraid to do it,but suddenly,really suddenly I decided to DO it...and it gives me a good's always good to challenge...
I feel a great change in my research style.I see some maturity in it.I feel I can see everything different and more clear which gives kinda self-confidence.
I had a great chat with NJ on phone the other day and it was KHODA... I wish she writes about her experience of Office-2007 training session and the awarded chocolate at her office !! :DDDDD

P.S: I removed the previous post,it was lengthy,mean and nonsense !!!!!

May 14, 2009

درددل يك بزاز اصفهاني :

خانووم... بعد از اين كه هفت هشت دفعه، هي اومدس و رفته س وديده س و نخريدس ، بالاخره، باري آخركه اومدس، يه دفعه ديگه هم پارچه را ديدس، اين دفعه ، كم و بيش پسنديده س وخبري مرگش خريدس. برده س ، برا اينكه بعدآ آب نرد و كوچيك نشد ، پارچه را شسته س ، بعدش بريد ه س ، داده س خياط براش دوخته س ، پوشيده اس ، باهاش رفته اس عروسي، توعروسي كلي پزداده س، قر داده س ، رقصيده س ، لاسيده س........ بعدش رفته س خونه ، كلي توش نيشسته س ، با هاش بغل شوورش خوابيده س وغلطيده س وكپيده س . خيري سرش كلي توش گوزيده س و چسيده س . يه چند روز بعد دلشو زد ه س، رفته س پيرنو شيكافته س، دوباره شسته س، حالا پس اورده اس ! ميگد از رنگش خوشم نيومدس !! اين پارچه دون ، حج آقا ! لطفآ پولمو پس بديند......!

راستي راستي كه خيلي ناكس ونانجيب و پدر سوخته س !!!

May 12, 2009

Editing the paper is almost over....I'll pass it to my bosses to check it and then I'll shoot it and will start the next one. That would be great if I can finish that also in max. 2 months....

and I forgot to say that we had a short trip to Mulshi on Sunday. Jaye hamaro khali kardim be khosoos was good and ash you must come and see how many new rooms and resturant the sardarjee family have built...
I hope we'll go once more when u come for your viva...
maa berim bekhoonim ke I have a lecture today on DFT!

May 11, 2009

مرا گویی کرایی ،
من چه دانم ، من چه دانم ، من چه دانم...
چنین مجنون چرایی ،
من چه دانم ، من چه دانم ، من چه دانم...
مرا گویی تو را با این قفس چیست ؟
تو را با این قفس چیست ؟
تو را با این قفس چیست ؟
اگر مرغ هوایی، این قفس چیست؟
این قفس چیست؟
این قفس چیست؟
این قفس چیست؟
من چه دانم ، من چه دانم ، من چه دانم
من چه دانم ، من چه دانم ، من چه دانم

Passion of Rumi

I was not feeling well last few days...simply and strangely when my neural system is not working properly my physical status also goes down and the result : BED!
I am better and in lab right now...I have lost few very important days to finish up my paper and I must work fast to make it up.
Again like anyone else I have gone back to the point that how useless is this life and its future and my research and my work and etc etc etc....I try to make up my mind and put everything back together and as always I never forget what "ash" told me once which was a very clue : " Ideh,you are smart and you never lose,you never get depressed.....". I still hang to this line and try not to break even when I feel very fragile inside, like right now...
I got to go back to my paper!
Yaa ali...

May 6, 2009

I got rid of orkut and facebook.... and so free of any way of making connections or any communications!
but balck coffee is still standing...

by the way, I am editing my next paper...without any feelings...neutral...
I guess I need a break to overcome this huge deep pain in my heart and go back to life..but now I need to work hard and finish this stupid piece of work,and then I must immediately start the next one and then one more and then thesis and then viva and then a job and then live and live and live,doesn't matter how or with whom or where or how long, then get older then get retired then stay home for few years and look like a fossil then die...
still a long journey,ah....
I have also forgotten asal jaan!

to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,
to ham ye roozi aghlet mirese,


May 5, 2009

This is my latest received comment from a very very close friend :

baba bikhiyal e eshgh o marefat sho janam,
yaft minashavad, nowhere and never,
just eat, fuck and be happy with YOUR plans and YOUR projects... that 's my latest diet!!!!!

what if I follow her?!?!?!

May 4, 2009

May 2, 2009

There is always someone better to replace you in your current relationship....
and as there is no loyalty remaining in our hearts,it always happens!!!!
be ready to be someone who sleeps tight in your arms and says "I love you" to your face!!!!
and then smile if someone asks why you have been turned to an animal...
ha ha ha ha....
this is where we are heading to!!!!!